COVID-19 guidance as of January 2022
All clubs must ensure that students can participate in Krav Maga safely. We have considered the best way to approach this and outline below what the latest government guidance means for Krav Maga/Kapap clubs in England. All clubs must use this as a basis for their own guidance and are welcome to add any additional measures they feel are neccesary.
The current government guidance does not impose any restrictions on Krav Maga/Kapap activities but all clubs must bear the following guidance in mind;
Face Masks
Face masks are not legally required by participants during any physical excercise.
Face masks in sport and exercise facilities, including gyms, fitness studios, dance studios, leisure centres, swimming pools, water or aqua parks are not legally required, however everyone should follow advice from the venue operator on wearing a face covering in areas that are not for exercising, such as reception areas or social/lounge areas.
Face masks are mandatory inside all other public spaces.
This includes facilities where you may be teaching classes!
If you use a facility that is not exclusively a sports or excercise facility (i.e. community hall, church hall, school hall etc.) or a venue not listed in the sports venues listed above, than you must ensure that you and your students wear face masks when not in the part of the venue where the excercise is taking place.
Before attending any Krav Maga activities, all participants, staff, volunteers and spectators should self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms (a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; a loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste). If they, or anyone they live with, have one or more of these symptoms (even if they are mild), you should ask them to follow NHS guidance on testing and self-isolation.
Communications and guidance
You should consider how you can inform visitors of important information and any changes to processes in advance of the activity, for example on your website, when booking by phone or email, and in your digital marketing. You should consider how to do this in a way that is accessible to all, including those with disabilities.
Additional participation safety measures
We encourage all clubs to take student's temperatures before the start of the lesson and turn anyone with a high temperature away. Furthermore we advise clubs to provide hand sanitiser for their students, minimise sharing of equipment, sanitise equipment regularly and have a plan in place for those that may not wish to participate in full contact activities. Anyone spectating and not participating in the activities should also wear a face mask unless exempt.
We further recommend to maximise ventilation in your facility if and where possible.